Sunday, August 29, 2010

Hurry! Let's Save the Earth!

Why do we need to save the earth??

Do you know why we need to save the trees??

We will die if we did not do so as the trees takes in carbon dioxode(which we breathe out) and give out oxygen(which we need to breathe). If we save the trees, we are actually protecting the environment and helping many living things to live.

How can we save trees??

That's easy!! We can recycle by writing on both sides of a paper. Thus, this help to use less paper. 

Do you like the pretty sea we had once??

If yes, why is it full of rubbish??

Well, some people might say "it isn't me who litter, others did it." But the person is you! You cause it and blame the others. Why are some people so lazy? Didn't they like the pretty sea?? The "person" is lazy to walk to the bin to throw their rubbish so they throw them at the sea. That's why.

Don't you like the green grass and pretty flowers??

Look, they are now covered with rubbish everywhere. Let's together pick up all the litter!! Let's use less paper and recycle it whenever we can and let's not litter anymore.
Hurry before it is too late!!

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