Thursday, March 3, 2011

Sengkang Floating Wetlands Pictures

Hi all! Lusan here. Just got my SD Card Drive working. Here are my pics! All the best ones are selected.

Hope u enjoy the photos!! :)

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Sengkang Floating Wetlands rewiew

Hello! I'm Lu San. Sorry bout my SD Card Drive, its like.....umm...not working so i can't post those beautiful pics..XD! Anyway the trip to the floating plants wetland was just amazing. Did not knew that plants can be grown like that! It is such a clever way to grow those plants. I just hope that no human will be stupid enough to destroy the wildlife there...........


Thursday, February 17, 2011


Today on the 17 Feb 2011 (Thursday) the ECO CLUB members and I went to the Sengkang

Floating Wetlands and we took many pictures!


Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Understanding Global Warming and How to Prevent It

What is Global Warming?
Global warming is when the earth heats up (the temperature rises). It happens when greenhouse gases (carbon dioxide, water vapor, nitrous oxide, and methane) trap heat and light from the sun in the earth’s atmosphere, which increases the temperature. This hurts many people, animals, and plants.  Many cannot take the change, so they die. And, as the Earth is getting hotter, disasters like hurricanes, droughts and floods are will be more frequent.

Global Warming is a dramatically urgent and serious problem. We don't need to wait for governments to find a solution for this problem: each individual can bring an important help adopting a more responsible lifestyle: starting from little, everyday things. It's the only reasonable way to save our planet, before it is too late.

What is The Greenhouse Effect?
The sun is the Earth’s primary energy source, a burning star so hot that we can feel its heat from over 150 million kilometers away. Its rays enter our atmosphere and shower upon on our planet. About one third of this solar energy is reflected back into the universe by shimmering glaciers, water and other bright surfaces. Two thirds, however, are absorbed by the Earth, thus warming land, oceans, and atmosphere.

Much of this heat radiates back out into space, but some of it is stored in the atmosphere. This process is called the greenhouse effect. Without it, the Earth’s average temperature would be a chilling -18 degrees Celsius, even despite the sun’s constant energy supply.
In a world like this, life on Earth would probably have never emerged from the sea. Thanks to the greenhouse effect, however, heat emitted from the Earth is trapped in the atmosphere, providing us with a comfortable average temperature of 14 degrees.

Ways You Can Help to Prevent Global Warming
  • Reduce waste
  • Plant more trees
  • Be sure you’re recycling at home
  • Use less hot water

What Do You Know About Endangered Animals?

Do you like pandas? 
If yes, you may want to know how to save them so you can still see them around.

That's easy! Let me teach you.

Firstly, you need to know what is a Panda. The name "Panda" is referred to a black and white cat-foot animal. It does not mean that Panda is a kind of cat but it is actually a bear.

Pandas live in few mountain ranges in Central China and they mainly feed on bamboo. Pandas had the second longest tail too. How strange is that!?

To enable Pandas to stay around longer, all you need to do is to save their natural habitat. Easy ain't it?

A new born cub

Want to save it??

It is growing fast!

Baby Panda learning how to climb

All Grown Up!

Let's help and save their environment!

10 Ways to Save The Environment

  1. Clean or replace air filters on your air conditioning unit at least once a month.
  2. If you have central air conditioning, do not close vents in unused rooms.
  3. Copy and print paper on both sides.
  4. Use ceramic cups instead of disposable cups.
  5. Turn down or shut off your water heater when you are away for extended periods.
  6. Turn off unneeded lights even when leaving a room for a short time.
  7. Set your refrigerator temperature at 36 to 38 and your freezer at 0 to 5.
  8. When using an oven, minimize door opening while it is in use; it reduces oven temperature by 25 to 30 every time you open the door.
  9. Walk or ride your bicycle instead of driving when you are travelling at a short distance.
  10. Unplug seldom used appliances.

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Hurry! Let's Save the Earth!

Why do we need to save the earth??

Do you know why we need to save the trees??

We will die if we did not do so as the trees takes in carbon dioxode(which we breathe out) and give out oxygen(which we need to breathe). If we save the trees, we are actually protecting the environment and helping many living things to live.

How can we save trees??

That's easy!! We can recycle by writing on both sides of a paper. Thus, this help to use less paper. 

Do you like the pretty sea we had once??

If yes, why is it full of rubbish??

Well, some people might say "it isn't me who litter, others did it." But the person is you! You cause it and blame the others. Why are some people so lazy? Didn't they like the pretty sea?? The "person" is lazy to walk to the bin to throw their rubbish so they throw them at the sea. That's why.

Don't you like the green grass and pretty flowers??

Look, they are now covered with rubbish everywhere. Let's together pick up all the litter!! Let's use less paper and recycle it whenever we can and let's not litter anymore.
Hurry before it is too late!!